Meet Anne Wallace

Anne Wallace

Anne Wallace

Sales Associate

Anne began her real estate career in the 1980's. She took a break to raise her children, but did not forget how much she enjoyed being a Real Estate Agent. During the intervening years, she and her family moved from San Francisco to Northern Michigan, and in 1999 settled in Vero Beach. Both her girls attended St. Edward's School in VERO BEACH before graduating from The Hotchkiss School and continuing on to Davidson College. Now that her children are grown, she loves the return to her real estate career. Although, she struggles between "selling" Vero Beach and keeping it a well-guarded secret! An avid golfer and tennis player, Anne has the lowdown on the facilities and personalities of the many clubs and communities in the area and can't wait to help fellow enthusiasts fit in to the community and home that suits them best.
In 2014, Anne Downey Wallace partnered with her cousin, Dan Downey, who grew up in Vero Beach. Partnering has allowed them to spend more time with their growing families, Dan has an adorable wife, and two active teenage boys. Anne has two girls, two granddaughters and a grandson! So how exactly are they related? Dan's dad and Anne are first cousins making Dan and Anne first cousins, once removed. Their (great) grandparents built their first Vero Beach home in the early 1950’s, in the Riomar neighborhood and the Downeys have been part of the Vero Beach community ever since.
Whether old friends or new, their clients appreciate their intimate knowledge of the Vero Beach area. They also appreciate their honesty. If they feel a house isn't going to bring them long-term satisfaction, they'll tell them why and encourage them to keep looking. If you're thinking of buying a home in Vero Beach, call Anne and Dan. They'll take the time to introduce you to the town while helping you find the perfect home. And if you're thinking of selling your Vero Beach home – remember that they may already have a buyer looking for exactly what you offer.

AffiliationsNational Association of REALTORS®Florida Association of REALTORS® + MoreEducationBS - University of Southern California - 1978

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